Construction in existing buildings
Sustainability through conservation and serial renovation In a time in which sustainability and the conservation of resources are becoming increasingly important, renovation…
Sustainability through conservation and serial renovation
In a time in which sustainability and the conservation of resources are becoming increasingly important, renovation of existing buildings is gaining in significance. Instead of demolishing existing buildings and constructing new ones, building in existing structures offers an ecologically and economically sensible alternative. It not only reduces resource consumption and environmental pollution, but also preserves the cultural and architectural diversity of our cities.

An important approach for sustainable construction in existing buildings is serial refurbishment. This method makes it possible to modernize residential buildings efficiently and cost-effectively. The standardization and prefabrication of building elements can speed up renovation processes and improve construction quality. The serial refurbishment thus makes a significant contribution to reducing CO2 emissions and creates modern living space at the same time.
At Building Green Heidelberg, one of the leading trade fairs for sustainable building, visitors can experience at first hand how innovative and effective construction can be implemented in existing buildings. One outstanding example is the project by Behnisch Architekten: the Anna-Pröll secondary school and sports hall. This project impressively demonstrates how existing structures can be sustainably modernized and expanded without losing their character.
The Building Green competence partner “Verband für Bauen im Bestand” (VBiB) is actively committed to promoting and disseminating sustainable building practices and supports building owners, architects and planners with extensive information, advice and networking events for their renovation projects. By sharing best practices and promoting innovative approaches, the VBiB makes an important contribution to the further development of existing buildings.
Another inspiring example of a rethink in the construction industry is Robert Philipp’s “Cancel the demolition” initiative. In his report, Philipp makes an urgent plea for the preservation and renovation of existing buildings instead of their demolition. His initiative shows that the conscious use of available resources can not only protect the environment, but also achieve social and economic benefits.
Building in existing buildings is a decisive factor for sustainable construction. It offers the opportunity to conserve resources, reduce CO2 emissions and preserve cultural values at the same time. At Building Green Heidelberg, interested parties can find out about numerous practical examples and innovative approaches that show how building in existing buildings can be successfully implemented. From serial renovation methods and visionary projects to in-depth specialist knowledge – the trade fair offers a comprehensive platform for everyone involved in sustainable building. Visit us at Building Green Heidelberg and discover how you too can contribute to change in the construction industry.